Публикации с тэгом "Hit single"
Бейджи в Visual Studio
А что, если бы в Visual Studio была поддержка бейджов, как в Xbox или PS3 играх? Вот как бы это выглядело (привожу в оригинале): Falling Down – Created a new SharePoint project Job Security – Written a LINQ query with over 30 lines of code The Sword Fighter – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with zero code changes Shotgun Debugging – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with a single character change The Mathematician – Defined 15 local variables with a single character name The Academic – Written 100...
СТАТЬЯ Бесплатная книга "First Look: Microsoft Office 2010"
Год выпуска: 2009Автор: Katherine MurrayИздательство: Microsoft PressКоличество страниц: 186 First Look: Microsoft Office 2010 covers changes in Office 2010 and shows you how you can make the most of the new features to fit the way you work today. If you have downloaded the Office 2010, here is the book from Microsoft that covers Office 2010 in detail. First Look: Microsoft Office 2010, by Katherine Murray, offers 14 chapters of early content, organized like so:Part I, “Envision the Possibilitie...